The corona virus “covid 19” has made its way into Maine. We as responsible snowmobilers need to use common sense and adhere to the policies put in place by our governor.
Yes, clubs are still grooming but you should check with your hotel or rental property to see if they are still accepting guests. Let’s be aware of each other and respect each other’s health safety.
Some Executive Orders of the Governor are still in effect and changing almost daily. See the latest official postings on a state website for COVID-19.
A message from Governor Janet Mills
“Time and again, Maine people have risen to the challenges put in front of us. We have survived blizzards, ice storms, depressions, booms and busts. We’ve suffered loss — as a state and as families. We have conquered them because we are a strong, resilient people – borne of the western foothills; the northern potato fields; the bold, rocky coasts; and the tall, pine forests. We have been lifted up by the courage, conviction and resilience that comes from loving a place and its people. Let us continue to prepare, take every precaution, remain both careful and compassionate. We will get through this.”