Email asking for money is a SCAM!!!!
There is currently an email being received by a number of our members asking for money that looks like it Al needs Amazon help. Please mark it as spam and delete it immediately.
November MSA Directors Meeting
The Lexington Highlanders SC will host the MSA November director meeting at their clubhouse located at 1654 Long Falls Dam Rd in Lexington. More details to come but there will be a 6:30 meal followed by the Directors meeting at 7:00 pm. Please RSVP using the Formstack Reservation form or call the MSA Office.
First MSA Directors Meeting of the New Season
The First Directors Meeting of the 2022-2023 Season will be held on August 16, 2022 starting at 6:30 pm at the Sportsman Alliance of Maine Building in Augusta There will not be any meal but there may be finger foods and non-alcoholic beverages available for a small donation. We will have Club Membership packets available […]