2021 MSA Snowmobile Show
![2021 Maine Snowmobile Show](https://www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/7765-R2_MSA_Website_Ad_96dpi-Reduced.jpg)
What a great weekend we had at the Maine Snowmobile show. We’d like to thank all our vendors, volunteers and patrons for a successful show. Plans are already in the works for next year. Again, Thank you all and Think Snow! Thank for coming out and supporting our Vendors and Sponsors!
September Directors meeting
![Board Meeting](https://www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/Board_Meeting.jpg)
The September Directors Meeting is coming up. Coastal Region VP Dave has got the Saco Pathfinders SC to host us on Sept 21st. There will be a BBQ meal at 6pm and the Directors Meeting will start at 7pm.
The MSA Super Raffle has wrapped up for this past year. In 2020, the MSA helped the snowmobile clubs of Maine raise over $30,000 to help with trail maintenance and other projects. Quite an accomplishment considering many clubs lost their normal place to sell Super Raffle tickets. All the fairs and other events were canceled […]