Off Trail Riding Prohibited

The State of Maine Snowmobile Program has been working in conjunction with Maine Snowmobile Association, Landowners, Snowmobile Clubs and the Maine Game Wardens dealing with un-wanted off-trail snowmobiling. This has been a subject in many conversations and has become more problematic over the years. As a lot of you already know, club volunteers have worked […]

Director’s Meeting – 11/13/23

The November Director’s Meeting will be held on November 13, 2023 hosted by the Anson-North Anson SC. Social Hour at 5:00 pm, Dinner at 6:00 pm and Meeting at 7:00 pm. There will be a dinner fee of $15.00 with all proceeds going to Anson-North Anson SC. The meeting will be held at: American Legion 20 […]

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