Greenstock Snow Sports Bethel/Greenwood-Woodstock

Bethel-Greenwood-Woodstock Region Greenstock Snowsports is the local Bethel/Greenwood/Woodstock Maine snowmobile club. We are responsible for the official, local snowmobile trails in this area. We are having a new Trail Map of the region designed right now!
Down East Sunrise Trail – Western Washington Junction to Cherryfield

The Western Trail This segment takes you from Washington Junction to Cherryfield – 28 miles There are many points of interest in each of the three segments of the Down East Sunrise Trail.The Western Trail includes the following points: Washington Junction, Franklin Crossing, Tunk Lake/ME 183 and Unionville Crossing. PDF Download available
Down East Sunrise Trail – Eastern – Machias / Ayers Junction

The Eastern Trial This segment takes you from Machias to Ayers Junction – 28 miles There are many points of interest in each of the three segments of the Down East Sunrise Trail. The Eastern Trail includes the following points: Machias, East Machias, Rocky Lake Crossing and Dennysville/Ayers Junction. PDF download available.
Down East Sunrise Trail – Central Cherryfield to Machias

The Central Trail This segment takes you from Cherryfield to Machias – 29 miles There are many points of interest in each of the three segments of the Down East Sunrise Trail.The Central Trail includes the following points: Cherryfield Crossing, Harrington and Columbia Falls Crossings, Jonesboro Station and Whitneyville Crossing. PDF download available.
Sunrise Snowmobilers Trail Maps Calais/ Baring/ Meddybemps/ Charlotte/ Red Beach

Calais, Baring, Meddybemps, Charlotte and Red Beach Sunrise Snowmobilers We are the local MSA snowmobile club for the area of Calais, ME. We have trails in Calais, Baring, Meddybemps, Charlotte and Red Beach. We maintain the eastern terminus for ITS 84. Here’s our local trail map. Here’s our local trail map. If you’d like a […]